Saturday 13 November 2010

Degeneration X Appears at Atlanta Falcons NFL Game

Reader Steve Shreve attended the Atlanta Falcons home game win over the Baltimore Ravens on Thursday and passed along the following report on an appearance made by Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

Triple H and HBK were at the Georgia Dome before (Thursday’s) Falcons vs. Ravens game. The DX entrance theme started playing and they came out to cut a promo for WrestleMania 27. Shawn looked like he was enjoying himself while Hunter was mostly business.

Hunter was sporting a suit and clean face a la his blueblood gimmick. They talked briefly before doing the signature ‘Are You Ready’ bit. Trips explained they had to change it to ‘Rise Up’ instead of ’suck it,’ firstly because that’s the Falcons slogan this year, but also because they didn’t want to get in trouble.”

Hunter and Shawn couldn’t say it, so the Falcons told the Ravens to suck it via their win last night in what turned out to be a great game.

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