Friday 12 November 2010

A Missile Launching ADHD Gossip Girl

Happy wonderfully beautiful Thursday my lovelies.. I hope your day has started off positive, it's actually nice here in Chicago today, a good walk in the park day.. So I think I'll be trying something a little different today..
So I'm into fashion but not to the extent that I can name five designers who shaped the industry to what it is today, but I do know when to give props on a wonderful dress when I see one, just saying.. As for fashion I stumbled across this article 100 designers, who shaped fashion and the dress they have along side the article is like gorgeous (click link to read the article and see the fabulous dress), who really couldn't love a dress like that??.. I must give props to a show that I've come to like thanks to my sister Tay, Gossip Girl for having eye sparkling dresses we all wish we could have in our closets which are usually enhanced by a great pair of shoes and finished with a nice jewelry piece(s).. With that little bit I'd like to thank any and everyone who's ever designed an article of clothing because as a woman I can now own and wear anything my heart could desire in the eyes of great fashion..
Just like a beautiful dress captures a woman's attention we can't seem to capture the attention of our youth due to higher rates of ADHD, 1 in 10 children suffers from this mental disorder.. Speaking of which I was diagnosed with it as a child whomp whomp, oddly enough children with ADHD tend to be very creative.. Scientists say they can't seem to determine the actual factors that cause it, but it has been stated that one group of scientists believe a big factor may be a diet high in sugar especially red dye (#40) based sugars read about it here.. But of course most sugar based products are targeted at parents who have children so those food corporations would go out of business if the FDA actually put a warning on all those products, who really wants their child getting ADHD especially if it can be prevented in aspects of our diet..??
Aside from children who's attention span seems to wander and jump about, well a stray missile seemed to magically jump into the atmosphere off of California's coast, if you didn't know about this you might want to read up on it.. Well I watched part of the story on CNN the other day.. First they said that no one here launched it from any known base and they didn't know who did, then later they said oh the government launched it on purpose because it wasn't recorded as an accidental incident in military logs, hmmmmmm sounds suspect to me, just saying..
What is the world coming to really, sheeeeesh things seem to get crazier and weirder everyday.. Well with all that said looking past the bad, I hope you all have a wonderful day today..

Peace & Blessings, That Black Girl

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