Thursday 26 August 2010

"You Don't Need A Man", "Seriously......SHUT UP"

Happy Wednesday day my lovely people hope your day is radiantly bright, mine far -laughs out loud-.. So while I got dressed this early afternoon I thought about something really random "so if we're already complete why do we need a man/woman to help complete us, or is it that we're incomplete but we need that other half to our whole to help complete us??" I thought to myself, that's a paradox, right??
I've heard two different discussions concerning this question, those who agree that we're incomplete until we meet our "soul-mate/kindred soul/lover/true love" whatever you want to call it.. Then the other group believes you should be a complete person before you meet your other half.. When I talk to either of these groups I always find myself pushed into the middle and I know I haven't been living a long enough life to say what's really true or not, so all I have is a belief and an opinion which isn't much when it comes down to the reality of the situation..
My point out of all of this is if I'm so complete then the saying "you don't need a man to complete you" (usually said to single ladies by their friends in relationships) technically holds truth and in the end is truth?? I personally think the sisters yelling this idiotic bologna need to sit down and shut up -laughs-......because in actuality while your steadily preaching to me your not walking the walk so why say that to me??.. It's honestly one thing for a sister to be independent and do for herself but at the end of the day she wants to be with somebody for the long run, most times she won't make this known OOOOOOOHHHHHH but she is secretly desiring it, definitely.. So sisters telling use single-doomed sisters "you don't need a man" how about you come join us in happy sometimes lonely singledom.......... "YEAH RIGHT!!" she'd say -laughs out loud-.. 
AAAAAhhhhhh aside from my relationship rants I think it was last week I read that the Gulf is "supposedly clean", YEAH RIGHT.......and to prove this so-called-truth Obama and his daughter Sasha (I think) took a swim at the beach to prove it, they'll soon be turning into mutants in my opinion, but like I say it's just my opinion -sinisterly smiles-.. Man oooohhhhh man what is the world coming to, and if that hurricane hits the Gulf as is predicted worst-case-scenario, ALL that residual will be making everyone down there sick, so sad so sad.. They need to stop punching holes into Mother Earth that's all I'm saying, the end surely is near, I'll pray for you all -laughs hard- NO but seriously I will -smiles-..
I hope you all go out today do something free possibly because times are hard but that doesn't mean don't enjoy the day, so I leave you all with that relationship rant and the hope of a beautiful day..

I don't take any credit for the pictures used..
It's A Beautiful Day (Click Me)
Ohhhhhh.....Soulmate my favorite K-Drama (Click Me)
Obama and Sasha (Click Me)

Peace & Blessings, That Black Girl

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